Stories & insights
Sharing stories from our community and reflecting on our learnings
A Powerful Team Practice to Bring Your Full Self to Every Meeting
We at The Inner Work-Out have experienced over and over again that this practice opens up space for each team member to bring their full selves to each meeting. This powerful, yet simple practice increases trust, raises productivity, strengthens inclusion, and encourages authenticity.
5 Factors That Make Our Team Thrive
Our Community Manager Nida wrote a Blog on what works for us to be a connected, motivated, and driven team despite all circumstances.
What happened when our team met for the first time in person …
Team member Nida reflects on her experience of connecting with the team offline - seeing Jules for the first time and the rest of the team after almost a year.
My limiting Beliefs … and the Power of Trust
My dear team mate Jules asked me if I had any inner beliefs that were limiting me.
It made me laugh… me having those? No way. I did my fair share of inner work the past years. So disempowering thoughts, limiting beliefs, and inner convictions? I’ve uncovered and conquered them all. Hooray!
What if that wasn't true though?
Meet the Tribe: Roos & Rosa
The people within the Inner Work-Out community.
Today: Roos and Rosa
Collaboration with OceansX: Creating a better future together
Over the past 3 months, the Inner Work-Out has been collaborating with OceansX to promote a more holistic and connected society overall. OceansX is an organization with the ambition to create a society in which we are all more connected, feeling trusting and safe, and having the freedom to act with full ownership to reach our full potential.
Meet the Tribe: Dannie & Nida
The people within the Inner Work-Out community.
Today: Dannie and Nida
Silver Lining
I will disclose here what the first secret of happiness is…it is the power of attitude: Instead of assuming that certain things will make us happy, we can choose to be happy and decide to look for the gift in an experience.
Personal Story of Jules Grant: Parenting Experience during the Pandemic
Jules Grant, Co-fonder and facilitator of the Inner Work-Out, shares how the pandemic has been affecting her small business, parenthood, and how that lead to the Inner Work-Out offer “Lunch and Learn with Parents”.
Personal Story of Linda Pieters: I have a dream
Linda Pieters, Co-fonder and facilitator of the Inner Work-Out, shares how articulating and sharing her dream has helped her in a difficult period of her life.
Story of Amir Carmel and the Inner Work-Out
The life story if Amir Carmel, how serving as a special force team leader has led him later to crate the Inner Work-Out: spaces in which individuals can connect to each other and to themselves.
We are in it together
We are in it together, giving and receiving help strengthen our physical resilience.
We are already working on it Simon!
Simon Sinek in his conversation with Richard Branson suggest to build a company that will address our way of connecting to each other. Well, we at the Inner Work-Out are on it!
The Inner Work-Out Team: Meet Wilma
Wilma Straatman, Inner Work-Out co-founder shares about her passion for yoga meditation, and her connection to the Inner Work-Out sessions
Inner Work-Out Athletes Stories #1: Daan
Daan, Inner Work-out athlete, shares her experience and her vision for the future of the Inner Work-out.
The 4 lessons we learned from opening up to strangers
How talking to strangers can help you become more connected to yourself and help each other.
Speed launching The Inner Work-Out online during the COVID-19 lockdown
In this interview, Amir Carmel, the founder of the Inner Work-out, where people from all over the world can train their skills of listening and compassion, talks about how he and his partners had to rebuild a brand new business, started in January 2020, from the physical to online space.
Reflection on Coaching Circles
Elodie van Sytzama is an experienced coach for leaders, a mediator and an organizational consultant, share her experience after attending online Inner Work-out session.
Inner Work-out with the beautiful teachers of De Kleinste Yoga School
Amir Carmel, the founder and the facilitator of Inner Work-out shares his experience and insights after facilitating session while walking in the park.