My limiting Beliefs … and the Power of Trust
My dear teammate Jules asked me if I had any inner beliefs that were limiting me.
It made me laugh….me having those? No way. I did my fair share of inner work the past years. So disempowering thoughts, limiting beliefs, and inner convictions? I’ve uncovered and conquered them all. Hooray!
What if that were true. Fact is I see them every week, my inner beliefs. Have bonded well with them…especially the limiting ones. We talk regularly. Well..most of the time it’s them talking. Quite the dominant character they display. Always want to be heard, expressed, and acknowledged first before anything else in myself gets a chance.
Like last week. Actually, all nice things happening. I’m an entrepreneur, and many of you may recognize that Corona wasn’t such a lovely time in that place. But the tables are turning and last week I got a few really nice assignments offered. In nothing more than a split second, the first Inner Belief showed up saying; “You can’t do this. You can’t…period. There’s someone else way better than you. They will straight away see through you. Pinch a hole so you’ll be exposed. Then they’ll finally see you can’t do any of this. So better if you listen to me and say no..stay away. You know very well that I know what’s best for you.”
Most of the time this Inner Belief is accompanied by a close friend who goes by the name of Anxiety. Anxiety is not a man of words, yet very very skilled at making himself felt in my body. Does a splendid job at it. Anxiety always spreads generously: tension, nervousness, stress, and hints of fear find their way seamlessly and fluidly in me. They know their way blindfolded. Not a surprise after years of ‘service’.
So quite overwhelming having these two show up. They’re annoyingly convinced of their strengths..and they play that out very well.
But as in every story..also this one carries the promise of a great ending. And I’m almost proud to say it. A third belief more regularly joins the table nowadays. Still a stranger..but one you immediately feel he has some good things to say. Not very dominant…but there’s something that makes you listen. He calls himself Trust.
So whenever Inner Belief and Anxiety go straight for the home run, Trust more and more often interferes and says or does something that changes the game. Makes me change my mind. Says I should Trust him when he says I can trust myself. That I will overcome any challenge…that I can rely on all the other things inside myself. Things that I am not able to see as Inner Belief and Anxiety are always blocking my view. So a true friend Trust is becoming. Of course, Inner Belief and Anxiety have not left..they’re still at the table. That’s ok. Their voices have tempered a bit though. And kind a like that…:-)
- By Linda, Co-Founder & Facilitator of the Inner Work-Out