Meet the Tribe: Dannie & Nida
Meet Athlete Dannie
Dannie Quilitzsch is a Psychologist, Systemic Therapist, and Founder of LoveYourselfMore.
1. What did you get out of your last Inner Work-Out session?
We are sometimes just locked in a situation because it is difficult for us to look at the situation from a different perspective.
Reflecting on a question or challenge with a little help of your new friends - for example in your Inner Workout session - can lead into immense breakthroughs.
2. What do you feel really excited about right now?
Just recently I have been invited to offer my Love Yourself More Online Program on an international platform, which is why I am working on a relaunch and the translation from German into English right now. I can’t wait to offer my classes and retreats to a wider audience to support people to heal and step into their power by simply loving themselves more.
3. Your last proper belly laugh: What happened?
Watching a comedy show where comedians are put together in a room for six hours and they are not allowed to laugh. Hilarious what they do to make their competitors laugh.
4. Beatles or Rolling Stones?
If I would need to describe myself in one of the bands, I am picking Beatles. More healthy and positive thinking.
Though the sex appeal of the Rolling Stones is something I would like to have more of in my life sometimes.
Meet Team Member Nida
Nida Gerhardt is our Community Manager, one of our Group Session Facilitators, and Co-Founders. She studies Psychology and is a space & personal styling coach.
1. What did you get out of your last Inner Work-Out session?
After my last Inner Work-Out session I was connected to my full potential, others, and the bigger force of life. I felt joyful, trusting, and smarter! An Inner Work-Out session always adds so much value to my day and I get a wealth of insights within 1.5 hours - insights that otherwise would have only come to me at a much slower pace. I can lean into my fullest potential much quicker with Inner Work-Out growth spurts.
2. What do you feel really excited about right now?
At the moment I’m thrilled about a passion project that I called into life recently. My friend gave it the beautiful name Dress to Inspire. I’m asking people from around the world to share a photo of their favorite clothes and write a little story about why they connect to these clothes. I hope this little project inspires people to reflect on their consumer behavior as well as excites them to dress with more intention (click here to become part).
3. Your last proper belly laugh: What happened?
Funnily, my last belly laugh was ignited by the same German comedy show that Dannie was describing! My sister, mum, and I laughed tears when a comedian named Teddy was performing (German-speaking people: check him out here for a belly laugh).
4. Your favorite Disney Movie?
Peter Pan! As a child, I was fascinated by the possibility to travel back and forth between a fantasy world and a “real” world. Also, I had a crush on Peter Pan because he was so adventurous, fearless, and cheeky. I was secretly hoping that he was real and would pick me up from my home one day like he did with Wendy.