5 Factors That Make Our Team Thrive
Since the beginning of 2020, a new reality has begun. Working in front of our screens, including online team meetings, has become standard. The Inner Work-Out started out around the beginning of the pandemic with team members living in different places. Thereby, our team has faced the challenge of working together online ever since. In every good challenge, there lies an opportunity for growth and learning. So, here we are, sharing what worked for us to be a connected, motivated, and driven team despite all circumstances.
5 factors that make our team thrive:
Our connection to each other is the basis for the Inner Work-Out’s success
Our team is aware that the stronger, more authentic, and more honest our connection to each other is, the better we’ll be able to bring the value of the Inner Work-Out to the world.
Besides being connected to each other, we are strongly connected to the Inner Work-Out practice itself. “We practice what we preach” as we use the Inner Work-Out technique for both (inter)personal problems within the team as well as business challenges that we face.
2. A shared vision
Each team member is passionate about and connected to the core vision of the Inner Work-Out. We review our vision regularly so it can evolve and grow just as we do too.
3. Full ownership and freedom as individuals
Our start-up team is relatively small, which means that each team member takes on different roles and tasks. Each person has full ownership of their projects. The resulting autonomy, decision-making power, and responsibility is highly motivating. We know what our unique gifts are and while we are expressing them, we are here for each other to help out.
4. Love for learning
Our team members all share a thirst for learning, adapting, and changing. We practice action learning, which means we learn by doing something in the outside world. If we grow from it personally, we assume that the outcome in the world will also be meaningful. Being stuck is a goldmine for growth and learning. We take our time to go deeper, staying with the tension instead of looking for a linear, quick way out.
5. Full presence in our interactions
Within our team meetings, we are all present with each other and the process. We believe that the skill of being fully present with each other is the way forward for mankind. It needs to be trained and practiced, which is what we do each meeting. A helpful tool is a check-in and minute of silence at the beginning of each meeting. When checking in, each team member shares how they truly are at this moment. Afterwards we take a minute of silence to fully arrive and leave everything that has kept us busy until then behind us.
We will share more practical tools that helped our team to thrive. We are also working on a free resource that will be coming soon!
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions or leave a comment. We would love hearing from you and your experience.
-Written by Nida Gerhardt