Linda Pieters

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Co-founder & Facilitator

Trainer, facilitator in leadership/team dynamics/conflict resolution tapping from Deep Democracy, CoResolve, Processwork and Systemic Work.

I’ve always been fascinated by what happens in groups. I guess it started from a young age, to understand what was going on, so I would know how to adjust myself to it.

I became good at sensing what was going on and what I needed to do to fix things for the other. That also had a downside. Always seeing the other first and adjusting to that before anyone could even say something was at many moments in my life not so much of a strength. On the contrary. After disrespecting my own boundaries many times I realised the source was coming from inside myself. Things have changed fundamentally ever since I became aware of that.

Funny thing is that I’m in the middle of groups almost all of my time nowadays. With that difference that instead of an observer I am now fully in it. And I love it. My heart always starts beating faster whenever a group, team or individual sense their own potential, their own power. Can move past what was blocking or holding back. We all have that ability, I truly believe that. And that’s why I do what I do.

I live in Zuid Limburg with Rob and a bunch of animals. Love being in desolate nature, mountain/road biking and swimming. You can wake me up for unexpectedly beautiful conversations, campfires and good coffee on early mornings


Nida Gerhardt


Jules Grant